Die Springs DIN & ISO are arranged in groups according to diameter. However, with this system, die springs with the same mounting dimensions can be selected in accordance with different load requirements. This increases the durability of stamping, bending and other dies. Each group of die springs is arranged according to a color code system, in order of increasing load.
Chromium alloys for highly dynamic applications at high temperatures.
Original Raymond® Die Springs.
High-quality chrome-vanadium steel according to ISO-10243.
The maximum operating temperature is 240°C. The identification colour remains intact at these temperatures. With average material strengths of ~600N/mm², the force loss at this temperature is approx. 10%.
Maximum Force
Die springs are designed for situations where considerable loads are applied in a very confined space, particularly in the case of press dies. The use of chrome alloys permits maximum loads to be combined with a long service life.
Raymond® and ISO Die Springs
Both types of indicated die springs are produced by Raymond® with the highest quality standard. The ISO springs with the designation 0R... were defined subsequently by the ISO standardization organization and are intended for use with stamping and forming dies.Many dimensions of the two series of springs are absolutely identical in terms of external measurements; however, the series have different color coding systems.It should be kept in mind that the ISO has set such large tolerances that e.g. the rounding of the edges and the profile cross-sections can exhibit great variation with the resulting solid lengths.Our products traditionally have a demonstrably long service life, which is due to very good quality.
Colour code differences Die springs
Raymond® ISO-10243
Leicht/light Blau/blue Grün/green
Mittel/medium Rot/red Blau/blue
Schwer/heavy Bronze/bronze Rot/red
Extra Schwer/extra heavy Grün/green Gelb/yellow
ISO-10243 Standard
The solid length is approx. Ln; here the maximum forces are achieved.
For frequencies greater than 1000 strokes/minute, the following values should be observed in the case of springs with the designation 0R....
Green: 25% to 30% compression
Blue: 20% to 25% compression
Red: 15% to 20% compression
Yellow: max. 15% compression
Springs with the designation 0ST... have the following color codes and load types
Medium loads = Blue
Medium heavy loads = Red
Heavy loads = Bronze
Extra heavy loads = Green